

几个月前,罗伊是开拓者的形象,也是球队不可或缺的一部分。他没有要求拥有他的膝盖,他当然也没有要求忍受疼痛,不能通过做他喜欢做的事来为球队做出贡献。他已经尽了一切努力恢复体力来帮助他的球队,但现在他的教练需要让他上场。一旦他回来了,即使是有限的上场时间,他也应该被允许回到首发位置。他是一个先发球员,有着先发心态。他是一名需要从一开始就投入比赛的球员。他没有一个板凳球员的心态,他可以热身,然后坐着,直到被召唤,然后被期待着跳起来,表现惊人。当他周围的人似乎都没有信心的时候,怎么能期待这个不可思议的球员有信心呢?我相信他在身体上感觉很好,但在精神上,每次当他被期望在一个不是他的位置(控球后卫)上表演像马戏团表演一样时,这对他来说很折磨。他是一个优雅的家伙,他不应该像以前那样被球迷或教练对待。 Game 2 case in point-Nate said he left the starters, who were obviously worn out, in so long because they were doing so well, but the second half was a nightmare, and the starters were responsible. He didn't give Brandon or Rudy a real chance to even get into the game, let alone contribute. I believe Roy should start, and playing his natural position, so he has a real chance to get his confidence back. If coach won't allow him that, then he realistically can't expect him to contribute much. Don't forget, Roy is a young guy with a love for this game who says he feels good physically. Perhaps what's holding him back now is being told he's done for, that he stinks, that he should get off the court. Who wouldn't feel less than confident when people who are supposed to be your supporters turn their backs on you?