


当我想到内特,以及为什么我认为他是一个伟大的教练,尽管在x和o的部分有一些不足时,这篇文章中的这些片段让我明白了。不过,年轻的菲尔和老菲尔有一个共同点:他们在任何时候都保持冷静。这种特质决定了杰克逊作为教练的身份。他不能慌乱。他从不反应过度。他掂量着每一个回应,琢磨着每一个媒体的讽刺,用同样稳健的手段对付每一个球员。”“教练不只是指挥比赛,驾驭裁判,制定策略。真的,管理比其他任何事情都重要。你管理的人。杰克逊比任何人都善于管理他人。” "His own career is harder to assess. You can't deny Jackson's timing (first Jordan, then Shaq and a young Kobe, then Kobe), and if we learned anything about NBA coaching over the years, it's that you're only as good as your players. But that belittles what Jackson accomplished, because clearly, eleven titles mean something." "Jackson dealt with Kobe the same way parents deal with raising young kids: You know you'll have good days and bad days, so you can't dwell on the bad ones." "Steve Kerr told me once that what made Jackson special -- and Popovich too -- was that he cared about his twelfth guy as much as his best guy. He spent time with his players, bought them gifts, thought about what made them tick. He connected with them, sold them on the concept of a team, stuck up for them when they needed him. His actual coaching -- calling plays, working refs, figuring out lineups and everything else that we see -- was a smaller piece of a much bigger picture. His players competed for him for many reasons, but mainly because they truly believed Jackson cared about them. Which he definitely did." Anyway, its a good read either way. Enjoy.