


周一晚上的节目开拓者场边波特兰开拓者队主教练内特·麦克米兰加盟迈克·巴雷特,迈克·赖斯和布莱恩·惠勒。当麦克米兰被问到他是否认为球队会有一些变动时,他没有拐弯抹角。“我认为我们有很多问题需要回答,”麦克米伦说。“第一件事是平衡球员名单。我们拥有的两人组合——韦斯利(马修斯)、鲁迪(费尔南德斯)和布兰登(罗伊)——他们的组合简直……真的……我们根本打不过那三个人。“现在我们已经引进了杰拉德-华莱士,尼古拉斯-巴图姆的合同也将很快到期。在这种情况下会发生什么?“我们的替补控卫,我们的后卫位置。 I played Brandon at that spot most of the second half of the season. We've got to look at the point guard position. "And Brandon Roy. How did he come out of the season and what [is] his role going to be? "There's a number of things I think we have to address. Backup center. Is Greg [Oden]... when will he be ready to go next season?" After listing off questions concering both guard positions, the center position and the small forward position, McMillan concluded: "All of those things we will have to look at here before the draft and, if possible, if it is possible to make some moves to improve the team, we've certainly got to do that." McMillan also bemoaned his team's lack of playoff consistency in the interview. "We need all of our guys to play well and that didn't happen. We had maybe one or two guys that had good games in each of the games. Or, the first unit was playing well but the second unit wasn't playing well. We were just too inconsistent to win that series." -- Ben Golliver | |推特