

ESPN.com的乍得福特加入比尔西蒙斯最近的一个事件“狗屁”报告打破2011年NBA选秀。谈话简短地转到特赦条款的问题上。两位作者都不赞成强化赦免条款,因为这将使合同彻底消失,而不是简单地退还奢侈品税。“作为一个凯尔特人球迷,”西蒙斯说。“对奥兰多魔术队来说,这是一个非常非常大的救生筏。如果他们得到了阿里纳斯的救生筏,那就完全改变了他们留下德怀特-霍华德的机会。”后来,他补充道:“我不喜欢任何奖励奥蒂斯·史密斯(奥兰多魔术总经理)过去几年所做的事情,以及他如何不计后果地花钱。这似乎不公平。”福特指出,那些谨慎管理薪酬的小市场团队可能会反对更严厉的赦免条款,因为他们会认为这对支出更高的团队是不公平的优势。福特表示:“一些在财政上非常负责任的小型市场团队将真的反对这一点。” "There's a lot of teams out there that have been really been careful with their cap space. It's a competitive advantage they have now. It sort of really screws them if teams like Orlando and Washington can dump these bad contracts all of a sudden. It does't benefit a team like the Pacers, a team that has been really careful with all of their contracts, it screws them." In addition to Arenas and Rashard Lewis of the Washington Wizards, the pair pointed to Los Angeles Lakers forward Ron Artest as another player who could find himself as an amnesty clause casualty. Ford noted that the clause could have a meaningful impact on the race for future titles. "For Orlando and the Lakers who fashion themselves as contenders, getting those contracts off gives them some flexibility."注意到最近在美国,特赦条款需要在之前的版本基础上得到加强,才能真正彻底删除合同。——本·戈利弗| |推特