


往好的方面想,凯文·普理查德可以取消他余下的侦查之旅了。开拓者未来的控球后卫今晚在玫瑰花园球场。杰克不行,布莱克不行,罗德里格斯不行。费尔顿。普理查德先生,不管你在哪里,开始对迈克尔·乔丹施魔法尽快让费尔顿穿上红黑相间的球衣。抛开梦想,费尔顿今晚展现了一切。他展示了敏捷的双手,在防守端把球踢开。他跳投命中,13投8中。他在所有正确的地方找到了埃梅卡·奥卡福,导致了大量的轻松桶。他对着目标投篮,扣篮精彩。 He ran the break flawlessly, getting to the basket at will and making the smart pass at the right time in transition. Down the stretch, he looked like Baron Davis or Chauncey Billups, embracing the top-of-the-key clear out and burying the dagger right in Blake’s face. It was an all-around incredible performance from the former Tar Heel: 18 points 9 assists, 2 steals and only 2 turnovers.