


周三,谣言流传波特兰开拓者队正在和圣安东尼奥马刺队讨论交易控球后卫托尼·帕克。米奇•劳伦斯纽约每日新闻波特兰并不是唯一想要得到帕克的球队,而他显然对交易的可能性并不感兴趣……-------------------------- 托尼-帕克可能是正确的。在蒂姆·邓肯时代,马刺队最后一次赢得总冠军的机会可能是在上个赛季,当时他们赢得了西部冠军,但在第一轮对孟菲斯的比赛中落败。但正如他所了解到的,他不应该在法国告诉记者,“(马刺)不能再说我们是在为冠军而战。”马刺队的反应是:哦,真的吗?好的,托尼,你想去萨克拉门托打球吗?或者,波特兰怎么样?由于害怕被放逐到天涯海角,帕克收回了他的评论。马刺队对他们的控球后卫回归计划感到满意,于是在选秀之夜把他的替补乔治·希尔交易到了步行者队。你可能会认为他们是在邓肯年轻力壮的时候调动他的。 General manager R.C. Buford called it "one of the most difficult nights in Spurs history since we've been here." In fact, it wasn't. As much as they liked Hill's work ethic, they had no intention of meeting his salary demands. So for the first time in the Gregg Popovich era, they traded up in a draft, obtaining San Diego State's Kawhi Leonard. He fell to No. 15 because can't shoot, but he's exactly the kind of athlete the Spurs have been lacking -------------------------- Jeez. -- Ben Golliver | |推特