
The strange phenomenon of African-American Eastern Europeans

As everyone should be, I'm followingEurobasket 2011on ESPN 360 (or whatever the hell they call it now), to watch one current Blazer, two current future Blazers, three (no, four) ex-Blazers and one ex-future Blazer. But in doing so, I noticed something a bit odd...

The African-American Eastern European All-Stars. These are:

Henry Domercant"of" Bosnia and Herzegovina

Earl Rowland"of" Bulgaria (he was actually born in Europe - Germany, though)

Dontaye Draper"of" Croatia

Bo McCalebb"of" FYR of Macedonia

Marquez Haynes"of" Georgia (the Republic, not the US State - he's actually from Texas)

Omar Cook"of" Montenegro (one of the four ex-Blazers mentioned above)

Thomas Kelati"of" Poland

Stiven Bertt"of" the Ukraine

Now don't get me wrong: I've got absolutely no beef with this, in fact I think it's kind of awesome. (And it's not like the US didn't steal Duncan and Olajuwon, and Spain hasn't stolen Ibaka and GB Luol Deng.) If I had to explain it, I'd guess it has to do with the "Bosman" rules they have in Europe limiting the number of Americans you can have on Euro teams - to circumvent it, US players get Euro passports. I just have this fantasy of each of them settling down into picturesque villages in their adopted countries and learning to speak the languages. I have to wonder exactly how many words of their respective languages they know now, though.