


据ESPN的Ric Bucher报道,老板已经向球员们提出了一些新的建议,在某些条件下,可以放松他们对硬性工资上限的要求。这些条件包括:1)Bird例外(允许球队在一定条件下放弃自己的自由球员),每支球队每个赛季只能使用一名球员。2)按年减少中级例外的金额和长度。3)超过1美元的奢侈品税将比目前的1美元税更严重。布赫还报道称,球队老板将他们对球员的报价从上周的46%提高到48%。参与方目前获得“一带一路”57%的股权。还有报道称,球队老板希望今年将所有球员的工资削减5%,2012-13赛季和2013-14赛季分别削减7.5%和10%。双方同意在周五和周末再次会面,试图及时达成协议,挽救整个赛季的比赛。-----第一项是最有趣的。新秀合同第4年到期的球员续约会成为一个单独的工资帽例外吗? i.e. could the Blazers extend Batum in October and still use the Bird Exception on someone else (Greg Oden) this year? Presumably matching an RFA offer would be a separate exception, but the Blazers also will want to make a long term offer to Oden under the Bird exception as well. Looking ahead to summer of 2012, the Blazers would have Felton to resign, Oden if he signs the QO, Batum if he is not extended in October, Camby (who will probably be gone by then or would just walk away), and Wallace if he doesn't exercise his player option (he probably will since its $9.5M). So eliminating Camby and Wallace as problems, that still leaves Felton and possibly Batum and Oden to resign. Batum could be resigned by matching a RFA offer (which hopefully doesn't count as a Bird exception) if not extended this year or traded during the season, but Oden and Felton would be Bird Exception candidates unless Oden is signed before then. This proposal has some very interesting complications, which could change the strategy on how to deal with Oden and Batum before the season starts this year (if it does).