

我知道现在对雷·费尔顿来说作为开拓者还为时过早,我非常感激他为球队带来的一切。然而,我认为时机已经成熟太阳处理史蒂夫-纳什我相信以他的组织能力和伸展空间的能力,他将是这支球队的完美人选。我知道,我知道纳什的一个弱点是他的防守但你们有没有注意到费尔顿的防守有多薄弱?费尔顿经常出现愚蠢的失误,糟糕的传球和错误的判断。纳什不是……至少不是费尔顿的学位。纳什对拉马库斯有意见吗?纳什在中场休息时输给了华莱士和巴图姆?纳什可以代表开拓者而不是对开拓者随意突破?为了纳什,我愿意放弃谁?因为交易不是1对1的交易,我放弃谁取决于交易中还包括谁。 I'd give up either Batum or Wallace along with Felton depending on who else was returned to us. If it was Felton plus Batum or Wallace I'd want to get a big along with Nash in return. Gortat maybe? Lopez? I am not a salary guru and don't even know how to run trade machine or whatever it is called. Anyone else on board? Anyone care to run a couple scenarios along these lines to see if anything works for both teams? Am I crazy? Is this simply NOT GONNA HAPPEN? Set me straight here folks.