
A Humble Request

I know I'm probably only fueling the fire here, but if you guys are going to "invade" my blog, please stop attacking its' very existence. I'd be willing to ignore it if it happened only once or twice, but every single time there's a game against theTrail Blazers, several members of Blazer's Edge come over and talk about how there's no members on my blog, how it's "atrocious", how you guys outnumber theThunderfans, et cetera. No other SBN NBA community has done such a en masse dissing of my blog.

我只是要求你尊重一点。When you come over to Welcome to Loud City, you're heading over to someone else's house. Just because we're Thunder supporters and we're not a large community, it doesn't give you the right to poop on our carpet.

Welcome to Loud City is something I've poured days of hard work into, trying my best to attract readers and a community. I've sacrificed much of my life for little pay, it's a labor of love. And, I admit, I screw up sometimes. Like my analysis of tonight's game, which was pretty far off the mark. But if you look at the previews for the 6 other games this season, you'll see that I was pretty accurate in my description. When I say the Blazers aren't going to win, it's not me being a homer. It's me trying to make the most accurate assessment of what will happen based on the information available. I'm sorry it doesn't always match up.

But having Blazers fans come over and insult the blog is destroying any chance I have of building up the community. Having a blog with well-reasoned posts doesn't "magically" mean you get views and a community, even on SBN. I've seen people blog consistently for a whole year outside of the network and get nary a comment. WTLC is entering its' third year, and was basically a one-man show for the first year and a half. We have to compete with Daily Thunder and the OKC Thunder Fans forums, both of which were established before WTLC. Making a community in 2006 was a lot easier than trying to make one in 2010.

If you want to come over and talk about your team, the game, or basketball in general, that's fine. If you want to pound your chest and talk about how great the Blazers are, that's fine too. If you want to rip my analysis, great. I love different opinions. But when you start talking about how terrible or ghosttowny my blog is, you're only hurting me and my blog. And by doing that, you're ruining the chance of someone actually saying something back.