
Attention Portland State students! Where can I watch games?

Or anyone in the downtown area for that matter...

I recently just got my first place downtown. I was born and raised a Blazers fan, and always will be. However, a big part of my fanhood has been lost with the recent move; the ability to watch games. I have a TV with limited channels, and the only games I can watch are the ones in which KGW broadcasts.

So, what I am getting at here, is there anyone (PSU students, downtown dwellers) who has a place or knows of a place in which I can watch games? Keep in mind, I am at the young age of 19, and bars are out of the question (no matter how much I wish they were) and I am nothing more than a poor college student who can't afford to pay those people at comcast money to watch one channel.

Maybe some students get together to watch games? Maybe there is an alcohol-free place where I can go and watch? Is there anywhere on campus at PSU where I can use a TV? Hopefully the answer to one of these questions is yes.

I have done the radio thing, and as much as I love Brian Wheeler, you just can't beat watching the games. So please help me out! I'm a friendly fellow, and we already have something in common. Go Blazers.