
A Look At The Upcoming Schedule

So, after looking over the early schedule in our first month, I gotta say its gonna be tough. Now im not trying to project a negative outlook on how our win loss record could be at the end of the month, only a realistic? guess at the outcome. Lets look at the schedule and discuss why I think what I think after checking it out. Ill write the date of the game, who we play against, an h for home, an a for away, some details, and my guess of win or lose.

Oct 31 vs LAL– We are at home, but they will have the full force of their team behind them. Kobe will be playing and most likely Dwight will as well. My guess welose.

Nov 2 at OKC– Beginning a tough 3 game road trip. OKC is way better than we are. Although OKC played SAS the night before, I think they will get us.损失.

Nov 3 at HOU– Our first back to back and its on the road. Its a back to back for Hou as well, but its their first home game.损失

Nov 5 at Dal– They have a day off after playing the Bobcats, they should beat us.损失

Nov 8 vs LAC– This is our first home game since the opener. The Clips played SAS the night before this game. We have 3 days off, IMO this is our first good chance to get a win.WIN

Nov 10 vs SAS– Any time you play the Spurs if you dont bring your A game, expect to lose. They played Sac the night before and we are the 3rd game on their 4 game road trip. Tough call, SAS has 1 day off in four, and we had 2 days off. With luck, we could take this game.WIN

Nov 12 vs ATL– Last of our 3 game home stand. We are rested. They played the Clips the night before, and MIA 2 days before that. We are game 2 on their 4 game road trip. Another good chance for a win.WIN

Nov 13 at SAC– Away games are tough, plus its a back to back for us. Beginning of a 4 game home stand for them, plus they had a day off.损失

Nov 16 vs HOU– Home game for us. 3 days off. 3 game road trip for HOU, we are game 1.WIN

Nov 18 vs CHI– Home game for us, 2 days off. Back to back for CHI. Tough call.损失

Nov 21 at PHX——为我们客场比赛。他们已经4天了!损失

Nov 23 vs MIN– Last home game before we go on massive 7 game trip that spans into December. 2 days off for us.WIN

Nov 25 at BKN– Road game 1 of 7! BKN is rested and ready.损失

Nov 26 at DET– Back to back for DET. Still road wins are tough.损失

Nov 28 at WAS– Im gonna guess a win for us.WIN

Nov 30 at BOS– Game 4 on the road for us.损失

So, through the month I have us at 6-10. Mostly, to reach this conclusion, I studied our schedule and our opponents schedule, compared the two, and made a guess based off of who we played, back to backs, days off, and also which team is superior to the other in terms of roster. Obviously, teams like LAL and SAS or DAL have better rosters than we do. Plus we have a new coach and a totally new roster, with everyone trying to learn everything as fast as they can. Even our “vets” have to learn a new coach and a new system, new plays, so everyone essentially is starting from scratch. Taking all these aspects into my decision is how I came up with my guesses.

Dare I ask, what do you think?

[Note from the admins: I came in and cleaned up the HTML for CJB. -- Tim]