
Is AMMO going to make the team?

I have but many simple questions.

We all knowAdam Morrison很好的团队。我想下手g to say if he was given 40 shots a night he would be an offensive powerhouse. But WILL he make the team?

  • What does AMMO have to do to make the team (or how badly do others have to fail)?

  • Who is a better playmaker Babbitt, AMMO, CK?

In depth optimisim (to reach the 150 word count):

Are you tired of seeing boring plays? Does the motion offense confuses you? Get ready to have all your deep three chucking dreams realized. AMMO can lead this team into a new age of skilled shootery. If we allowed him to jack up 40 mid court shots a game I could guarantee 60 points - MINIMUM.

Honestly Morrison is a great shooter and maybe an intelligent player. He would add an interesting dynamic to this team. He is a local legend. COMON!