
季前陪审团(主要是) - 但是Coby Karl怎么样?W /民意调查

Six games into preseason I think the jury is mostly in and we have some verdicts:



3.Adam Morrison没有制作团队。但是还有其他灰姑娘候选人还在跑步吗?见下文。

4. Stotts hasn’t figured it out yet, but Freeland thinks he is a center, and so do I.Listen to this interview to hear it from Freeland himself

斯托特还没有想出它,但JJ Hickson不是一个中心,只要拉斯在替补席上,JJ总是需要在游戏中。是的,我相信斯特罗茨将通过最终从中心开始Freeland在Centre和Centre播放La播放令人难以置信的“项目5,并在每场比赛中播放La,所以Hickson可以在PF播放他的所有会议记录。

6. Although Babbitt has shown marginal improvement rebounding and playing defense against PF’s, he is unequivocally unable to guard SFs. His 3-pt shooting could be a nice weapon to have off the bench for 3-4 minute spells for a contending team, but there is no room for him at PF on this team behind LA, Hickson, Jeffries, and Freeland. Under no circumstances should his rookie contract be extended for next year.

7.Nolan Smithis not now, never was, and will never be an NBA PG. He is also too small and not a good enough shooter to be an NBA SG. Nolan Smith needs to be traded if a sucker can be found to take him. Otherwise, his rookie contract should not be extended for next year.


9. Batum可能会在Matthews后面的备份SG分钟(当然也从SF开始)。这在备份SF为某人开辟了大量的几分钟。如果BATUM在SG和SF的20分钟中播放14分钟,那么在备份SF下会拍摄28分钟。谁有那些分钟?到目前为止,似乎包容。现在它可能是帕夫洛维奇,克拉弗甚至杰弗里斯的委员会。Barton也想过几分钟,也可以在SF或SG,但我认为他将在爱达荷州的法庭上花更多的比赛时间而不是波特兰。

The jury is still out onCoby Karl.

10. Coby Karl has earned yet another look on Thursday in Utah. He plays with the confidence and poise of a veteran and could be valuable if罗尼价格今年晚些时候受伤。(Lillard今年不会受伤,因为......好吧,只是因为!)卡尔也可以播放一些备份SG离开巴达姆可以免费玩更多SF分钟。所以卡尔在最后的季前赛游戏中应得更多几分钟,看看他是否是这个季前赛的真正的灰姑娘故事。

如果Olshey可以卸下史密斯,那么保持卡尔很容易。如果没有,那么保持卡尔变得困难。您必须权衡卡尔的低得多值与Babbitt的可能更高的未来价值Elliot Williams。Babbitt对燃烧者的价值是交易芯片。如果他有一个美好的季节(他将在替补席上得到一些短暂的斯金斯,那么他的贸易价值可能会升到1次圆形的挑选。Elliot William的比赛价值可能会高得多,但是在3年内,有多少人玩24场比赛(平均只有6分钟的比赛),然后在他们的主要人才是他们的运动能力时成功回到了撕裂的achilles中的主要作用?


So that leaves Pavlovic. Pavlovic has more immediate value to a contending team than Smith or Babbitt. If the Blazers decide they want to keep Karl, perhaps also using him as backup SG (and therefore using Batum less at backup SG) as well as 3rd string PG, they may be able to find a contending team that would trade a 2nd round pick for Pavlovic. Right now I think that is the most likely way Karl would make the team.

那么Coby Karl会发生什么?回答民意调查和意见部分。