
OT: Helping Sandy Victims

Tonight, I've been keeping up on the news reports, and the damage is looking pretty bad for our East Coast people. Being on the West Coast, there wasn't a lot I could do from here. Or so I thought.

There is something we can do. We can give to charities that help disaster victims. TheAmerican Red Crossis taking donations now to be used to help people in the disaster zone. Charitable gifts, blood, they need it. So consider helping, because there are a lot of people in need right now.

Also, there are a great number of other charities gearing up to help. Some religious, some not. Doesn't matter. I want to use this fanpost to help list charities that you know of that will be going in to help, and need support. I don't know if one little fanpost will help that much. Maybe all it will do is let us see how many charities that we know about from our own lives are in there doing what they can for their neighbors. Maybe it will move lots of people to help. Whatever it is, I thought it was still worth trying.

The closest charity in my circles isLCMS World Relief and Human Care. What charity/charities are near and dear to you which are planning to help and need support? Please list them here. Thanks!