
Junk Drawer - 10/30/2012

What was the most memorable world-wide event you've observed/been a part of? A natural disaster? A certain sporting event? And related question: does the impact of being 'connected' change that?

I thought about this while watching/tweeting/etc about Sandy.

For me, it was probably the Japan Tsunami. I was glued to Twitter and the TV for that whole thing.

It's weird, being able to follow stuff in real time and talk to other people about it over Twitter and such. Even though there have been (arguably) bigger events in my life than the Japan Tsunami, it's one of the most memorable simply because it's one of the first where I followed the whole thing in real time, talked to other people about it, and gathered my own sources of news (via Twittter, blogs, etc). It wasn't just "watch what CNN puts up" was searching and finding all kinds of articles, pictures, videos, tweets, etc.

Does being 'connected' change how you remember big events?

For those new to the Junk Drawer, this place is just a collection of off-topic randomness that doesn't fit into other threads. The above is just a conversation starter--feel free to post about whatever randomness catches your fancy.