
The blazer bench...

We need help on the bench. There is no way around it. If the goal was to give the opportunity for our bench players then why are we playing our starters over 40 minutes?? The only bench that matters are rookies but pavlovic and Price are the only once getting decent minutes. We need a sixth man ASAP or otherwise our starters are gonna get hurt sooner than you think. The Matthews scare today against the spurs had me holding my breath but it looks like everything was alright.

Anyways we need to sign someone whether that'sKenyon Martinor whoever is still available. I'm pissed we skipped on barbosa who would have likely signed for the with us for the minimum . Our goal right now seems to be to lead our starters to injury and give quality minutes to Pavlovic. Where is Freeland???

In the least the blazers need to move Leonard to starting center. He's the only one who can possibly be good enough by the end of the season. JJ Hickson should be the sixth man to help out the scoring from the bench. (We had 4 bench points! 4! vs 50 something from the spurs).