
Okafor/Hickson Trade

Wanted to throw out a trade idea to get the reaction of all you wise Blazer fans, so here goes.

Blazers get:
Emeka Okaforand protected First Rounder

JJ Hickson, Babbitt, Nolan, E.Will andJared Jeffries

Obviously this all hinges on what the protection is on the pick. If we can get top three protected (hey, it is Ernie Grunfeld we're talking about...), I would say it would be worth taking on Okafor's contract. Especially since you could use his big expiring deal next year to bring in a player that a team over the luxury tax is looking to dump.

I know those who love to horde cap space will hate this idea, but I don't see anyone worth going after in this summers free agent crop, and Okafor has actually been playing well to start the season, and could be an effective bridge till Leonard is ready to take over full time. Plus, you could potentially wind up with two lottery picks in this years draft, or a lottery pick in the 2014 draft to replace the pick we would most likely be giving up to Charlotte.

What are your thoughts?