
Could Blazers still be lottery bound?

ThePortland Trail Blazershave won the last 3 games. The starters have been putting up double digits on the stat sheet. That's great for the blazers. BUT LOOK AT THE BENCH!!! If the blazers want to make it to the playoffs or out of the first round they need to do some trading and get some good bench players, a 6th man, or someone has to step it up! The GM said he will be active before the trade deadline. And i will expect him to do just that.

I can not see the Blazers moving forward this year without action. The starters can not do this on there own and they have been playing longer mins. due to the lack of bench play. Who knows they could be looking forward to another great lottery draft for the next season to keep rebuilding the roster. we will only be able to tell later on in the season where this team is going. Till then GO BLAZERS!!!