
the new offense........offence?

I love the new motion offense and I love the faster pace, but I sure as @#%! don't like L.a.'s new role, and the rotations are........ perplexing?

L.A. was been shooting jumpers from the top of the key all pre season, and continues to. This might be a good way to get Mathews and Batum off, but it's also a great way to waste yr most dominant player.

Using Pav, Jefferies, and babbit as stop gaps is a head scratcher to me. Yeah we might win a few more games because they have experience, but at what cost? You really think Pav/ Babbit over Clavor/ Barton has enough benefit to outweigh the evaluation of Clavor /barton? I guess I'm a bit mystified about what we are doing because trying to eek out win does not benefit the, supposed, evaluation season . I thought we were looking for solutions. Its sort of nit picking I guess because Lillard and Leonard are the real targets of the evaluation, but considering how little the vets help our benches overall effectiveness it doesn't seem to be worth the cost of leaving the new guys as unknowns.

Get L.A. on the block

get Barton, Clavor, Freeland in the game and HOPE!!!!

that's our best bet.