
Announcing the Blazer's Edge Fanpost Contest Winners!

Well, the votes are in...or mostly in...or as in as they're going to get in this election week when we're voting about other things and rooting theTrail Blazerson to a 3-1 record, 2-1 on the road. So we're declaring the Blazer's Edge Fanpost Contest officially done.

As you cansee right herewe had 10 wonderful entries make the finals. If you haven't read them yet, you should. They're a fine example of the breadth and intelligence of conversation at the site. In the end we didn't have enough votes to determine a clear winner. Part of this was my fault, since I couldn't bear to cull out much content. Who's going to read through 10 whole Fanposts just to cast a vote, though?

I kind of knew this could happen, so I've come up with an equitable solution. All 10 of those authors are winners! We have some official Blazer's Edge swag for each one of them.

If you are one of the Chosen Ten, e-mail me at the address below. You'll want to use the same e-mail account with which your Blazer's Edge ID is registered. Provided we have your size of clothing, I can guarantee you a prize.

Congrats to our ten finalists and keep cranking out those delicious Fanposts!

--Dave (