
Holy Omen Batman! These Blazers are fun too watch!

I posted to the Fanpost section before Summer League started under my old SBNation account which Im pretty sure was just my name, Jason Hobbs. In said post I stated how fun it was going to be to watch the progression of the rookies and the team in general. I have been served. This team is freaking amazing to watch. I'm not saying anything new with stating that this team has been an amazing surprise. I'm not showing a flashy brilliance by relegating the immense pleasure of watchingDamian Lillardproving Olshey of having a good draft sense. Still, it needs to be said as much and as often as possible.

I have been scouring the Intraweb looking for national Lillard/Portland stories and they are few and far between. Sure there have been a select few which extol the supreme awesomeness of the #6 pick (fun fact, Michael Jordan was a sixth overall pick....just sayin), but there just havent been enough.

One thing that this season has accomplished that I think I may be the most happy about is the fact that Canzano has basically had to just shut the hell up after one article in which he tried to downplay the win versus the dreaded BUM BUM BUUUUUUUMMMMMMM湖人队. Seriously though, I hate that guys articles about the Blazers. So, now that I've rambled on semi-coherently, I say we should use this posts comment area to say what we are most thankful for this season.
