
Blazers 1-0 Hot Streak without Aldridge

With the Blazers hot on a 1-0 win streak since Aldridge went down with an ankle injury, I think it's fairly obvious they should trade him. Seems like simple math to me: with Aldridge in the lineup, the team managed to pile up 12 losses, but since losing Aldridge, they are undefeated and already at a .500 record. You can't mess with science. It's pretty obvious we can manage just fine without him by creating an Aldridge hybrid with random parts from the following players: Babbitt, Freeland, Leonard, Pavlovic, Jeffries, Claver, and Hickson's kind-of beard.

I was going to say the same thing about Matthews as we were 3-0 without him during the time he was out, but he canceled himself out last night by grabbing the win.

What does everyone else think?