


选自ESPN:买家还是卖家:波特兰开拓者。所有迹象都表明,总经理尼尔·奥尔希知道开拓者不是一支季后赛球队,他们应该为选秀彩票做好准备。我不认为他们已经准备好转会拉马库斯-奥尔德里奇(虽然我不完全排除这个可能),但是J.J.希克森和卫斯理马修斯都很有可能。霍普金斯:买家。波特兰能围绕阿尔德里奇,利拉德和马修斯建立一支球队吗?当然,如果NBA是3对3的话。但波特兰的配角阵容还需要改进。这些都是微小的调整,但每一点都有助于保持在西部的相关性。施密特:卖家。波特兰不应该让这个赛季的适度成功毁了一个好的计划。 Bring in as much young talent as possible and sort it out later. Damian Lillard's terrific rookie season should serve as a daily reminder of the fruits the high lottery can bring. Portland wouldn't be foolish to sell high on the likes of J.J. Hickson and Wes Matthews. Soriano: Sellers. It'd be a mistake for the Blazers to try to bolster their roster this year under the illusion that a bottom seed in the playoffs is better than a lottery pick. Even if it means trading Aldridge, they're better off trying to get high draft picks that they can build around to make a run in the next few years. Windhorst: Sellers. But not big time. The Blazers are on the fringe of the playoffs and I'm sure there will be a temptation to add a piece to help out. But they are developing some young players and have cap flexibility coming up they may not want to sacrifice to sneak into the last playoff spot.