
How can the All-Star game be more fun and competitive?

In the spirit of the entertaining but rather exhibition-like style of the upcoming NBA All-Star game. I want to know what your idas are to make it more competive while still keeping the fun factor. Obviously this is hypothetical, but honestly a lot of what we do here on BE is.

The thing I like most about the game in current form is the ability to have so many different player from all over the NBA come together and play in the game. Most of the time there is excitement and fun but very little competition until players realize in the 4th Quarter that they don't want to be seen as losers so then the real game starts.

I would use that but restructure the game to have 2 teams of 8 from each conference - 5 starters and 3 reserves, with 1 coach for each team (coaches selected by team record). Team A for both conferences would be voted in by the fans much like is done right now. Team B would be voted by coaches and players. I think this would give you a very interesting perspective as to who the coaches and players would consider the leaders of the teams.

It would set up a 3 game tournament where on Sunday, "Team A - West" plays "Team B - East" and following that game, "Team A - East" plays "Team B - West". The winners play the final game Monday night which gives the NBA 4 days of ratings.

This format would accomplish 5 things not done by the current All Star Game:

* It would allow more players more exposure and time for individual coaches and players.

* Competition gets ramped up huge as I guarantee Team B doesn't want to lose to Team A.

* The fan element gets spotlighted and really matters.

* We all get to see far more NBA ball at an elite level which I know I'd like a lot.

* More players get in with 32 vs. 24. This allows for more players who can be showcased.

OK that is my idea, what say you?