

这支队伍怎么了?赛季就像我们期待的那样开始了。一支由有天赋的运动员组成的快速、长时间、令人兴奋的队伍冲出了大门,宣布他们打算在这个禁赛缩短的赛季中成为一支值得关注的球队。他们在每一个位置都防守得很好,球也在不停地飞来飞去。这将是一个有趣的赛季。我们看了看我们的一些新玩具,仍在进行中,一切都会很好地结合在一起。但在这一过程中,有些地方出了严重的问题。这是不可能的,因为它是字面上的一切,除了洛杉矶。我们队中第二优秀的球员开始出现一些难以理解的道路挣扎和上篮问题,我们的快速后卫忘记了如何运球和投篮,我们最好的深层威胁在某种程度上失去了手感或意识到他擅长什么,我们的替补枪手做了我们预期的事情,但比我们预期的要糟糕得多。你如何解释整个阵容的能力突然急剧下降? Its hard not to look at the coach, but all a coach can do is put you in position to succeed, and from the looks of things he is doing that. This team gets quality shots for the most part, they just cant hit anything. Its easy to blame a point guard that is having the worst season of any point guard in the league, but is Felton really doing anything different than he has his whole carreer? he's taking open shots and passing to open teammates but neither are hitting. I feel sorry for anyone associated with this team right now because there are seemingly no answers besides MAKE SHOTS, and the longer you struggle at that the harder it becomes. A player is always susceptible to a bad season, but an entire roster? This is a truly baffling season.