

我出生在1975年。在开拓者成为一支球队5年后。没有人预料他们会在77年获胜,但他们做到了!这是一个基于信仰的系列,我记得很清楚。即使我只有两岁!我记得我的叔叔阿姨和爸爸妈妈兴奋地尖叫着,跳上跳下,在真正的开拓者球迷的怀抱里感觉是多么的好。所有人都为自己是世界冠军城市而感到骄傲。现在我看到很多人从别的地方搬到这里,他们只会说垃圾话,他们和我最爱的球队波特兰开拓者队的不和破坏了大家的气氛。我知道我们在选秀中运气不太好,对阵历史上最好的公牛队时运气也不太好,但不管怎样!NBA其他球队和ESPN中有十分之九的球队都是开拓者的仇恨者! But I don't care. And as for Mike and Mike. Please give the microphone back to someone like the Schonz who only had good things to say about the Blazers and for all you critics out there with your fat faces. Please shut up! and sit down! Tired of hearing you trash our hard working team. If everyone had a little bit more good over all belief in this team we would win a lot more and I know it! Faith is not in the minds and hearts of fake fans. Only in us real Blazer fans. So Rip City!!! Go Blazers! All the Way!!!

