


“在开拓者再次客场失利后,整个波特兰村都吓坏了,所以我在这里告诉你们:不要再吓坏了。开拓者的主场差距当然是令人震惊的——他们主场10胜1负,客场仅3胜9负,包括底特律、金州勇士、菲尼克斯和萨克拉门托。但是,如果你拿出放大镜,你会发现,坏运气和糟糕的篮球一样,都应该受到指责。昨晚已经是开拓者队连续第七场输掉五分或更少的比赛,而他们在这种情况下唯一的胜利是在对费城人的揭幕战中。这七人中,有六人在路上。看看得分差距——一个更好的预测未来表现的指标——情况就变得明朗了很多。不管你信不信,波特兰的差距比俄克拉荷马城大;西部唯一一支排名超过开拓者的球队是丹佛。即使你放弃了周三对阵夏洛特的比赛(44分的大溃败),开拓者仍然是西部第三好的领先优势。开拓者有九场两位数的胜利,只有一次失败。 So, big picture, if they keep playing this well overall they're going to win some of the close games. As bad as it's been to watch, the Blazers aren't the only team struggling with late game execution in lockoutball, and in strict probability terms it's just not possible to continue to lose 7/8ths of their close games. The Playoff Odds have the Blazers pegged for a tie for the third best record in the West, so despite the road struggles Portland remains in great position to claim home-court advantage in the first round." I agree that it's not quite time to freak out, but I think that in order for the Blazers to really contend, late game execution, will need to get better and this team needs to sustain their energy for all four quarters. We need a closer.