

这似乎是一个关于开拓者的问题。当球员的交易价值达到最高时,球队不会让球员价值最大化,特别是当这些球员不在球队的长期计划中时。很多球员都有自己的价值,鲁迪,贝里斯,奥登,甚至米勒。现在这些人都没有以一种能给我们带来价值的方式被转移。在鲁迪和贝莱斯的案子中,我们只是等了太久。我的问题是为什么我们没有在联盟其他球员之前看到真正的价值。我们占了优势。现在看看像奥克拉荷马这样的球队,他们用一个高价值的格林得到了一个很好的中锋,然后格林因为长期受伤而缺席了一年。现在奥克尔对绿色了解多少?事实上,他们的动作时机很好。 I think we are about to make the same mistake with Wallace, camby and Felton. All three have value, especially Wallace. We cannot afford to make this mistake again. Is this an issue of our team being owned by a corporate run system that cannot move in a timely fashion? Can the blazers ever be decisive enough to strike when an opportunity presents itself? We need a bold move and I simple have or seen that from the allen/miller/Nate run organization.