


如果你认为波特兰的老板和管理层有时会显得不正常和琐碎,那就看看犹他爵士吧,他们经常被认为是NBA中最稳定、运行最良好的球队之一。我们都知道去年斯隆学院的事。显然,马龙最近说斯隆被管理层铐住了,管理层选择了威廉姆斯而不是斯隆。马龙还说,他不得不从黄牛那里买爵士队比赛的票。爵士队的新老板格雷格·米勒疯狂地攻击马龙。首先,他在推特上写了一条丹·吉尔伯特式的帖子,称马龙是一个骗子(关于这张票):“嘿,卡尔,你在撒谎。你有我的号码。下次你想看爵士队比赛时,打电话给我。我的给你。”现在米勒写了一篇博客文章,称马龙“太不可靠,太不稳定”,不适合担任球队的助理教练。 Miller goes on to say: "The fact is Karl is still as high-maintenance as he ever was, but now he has nothing to offer to offset the grief and aggravation that comes with him." Frankly, I think it's stupid to publicly lambast one of your past employees, regardless of whether you're right or not. The fact that Malone is one of the Jazz's all-time greats makes this that much more foolish. I know we want to get the dirt on what went down with KP, Penn, and even Cho, but perhaps we should be thankful Blazers' management generally knows to stay silent when it has nothing nice to say.