考特尼李很多次了。乔治打得不错,但他今晚也被巴丁格给撂倒了。克拉什和巴图姆都被佐纳神枪手教训过。以我的标准来看,巴图姆打得还可以。他的数据不是很好,但是当他上场的时候,你可以立刻看到我们的防守在进步。除了对巴丁格的逼抢不够快之外,巴图姆的防守也相当不错。那我们的球队防守呢?把我们的球队叫做防守,呃哼,不好意思,今晚我们的D队在哪里?就像,我说的是我们的帮助d,这似乎是不存在的,直到一个熟悉的故事线决定再次弹出,你知道,开拓者等待,直到他们非常像鼻涕虫,被炸,然后决定尝试和勇敢的反击,只有.....秋季短。哟,贾马尔! ! Even though you got 21, Jamal, I am calling you out for your bad help and team defense in the first half. Again, I must first say that I hate Nate’s defensive switching schemes that create all sorts of mismatches for our defense to cope with. In that 2nd quarter there were probably 4 straight possessions of a Houston guard probing a mismatch against one of our bigs after the switch and Jamal never made an effort to head back to the guy heading to the basket. Jamal was talked to at halftime by Nate and in the 2nd half he was a different player on the defensive end and even got a nice blocked shot as a reward. I really hope these players/Nate really really start to get angry about these performances and fix these throwaway games we are starting to see on a regular basis. OKC GAME First off, I have to say that I INTENSELY hate you Scott Foster. Not only did he make the egregious horrible puke-in-your-mouth GOALTENDING call with 6 seconds left in a game and even after the game he would not acknowledge his error. Shucks if I ever am reincarnated as an NBA referee I know I would be bending over backwards apologizing for missing that call. At the bare minimum you should acknowledge that you are wrong when you are wrong. I know officiating professional sports, especially basketball, is a very challenging job but I really feel that NBA refs have it way to easy. The NBA has not made them accountable (excluding Donaghy) for missing calls or making mistakes. They hardly EVER get fired. Why does the NBA have the same refs that have been around for 10, 15, 20 years? Seeing Dick Bavetta huffing and puffing up the court a few years ago and