

As I write this, theNew York Knicks在麦迪逊广场花园里鞭打开拓者。我不是在看崩溃,但我会不时检查Twitter和ESPN。今天的大新闻是关于贾马尔·克劳福德(Jamal Crawford)trade, and the resignation of Knicks coach Mike d'Antoni. Which, of course, brings us to the Blazers' coach.

Before discussing Nate in particular, there are several reasons that coaches get canned.

  1. 所有者的酌处权:由于这些原因未列出以下的原因,这是一个全面的事情 - 有时老板和下层没有相处,或者没有化学或其他任何东西。里奇·乔(Rich Cho)去年出于这个原因而被解雇,保罗·艾伦(Paul Allen)为此而被解雇。
  2. Inability to perform: This refers to health issues, and other things which prevent the coach from doing his duties.
  3. 不当行为:不服从,作弊和其他类型的规则,无论是团队,联盟还是社会。
  4. 不好的教练:教练的表现在某种程度上不足。
  5. Star player wants him gone: Many of the most productive coach-firings in league history have occurred when a star player throws a coach under the bus.Magic约翰逊被保罗·韦斯特黑德开火,并由帕特·莱利取代。在波特兰,克莱德·德雷克斯勒(Clyde Drexler)破坏了迈克·舒勒(Mike Schuler),他被里克·阿德尔曼(Rick Adelman)取代。乔丹对道格·柯林斯(Doug Collins)(他本人是一名出色的教练)做了同样的事情,从而晋升了菲尔·杰克逊(Phil Jackson)。
  6. 失去更衣室:这是团队运动的高层,尤其是专业人士的司空见惯,一个团队(或多个球员)不再尊重教练,并且不再努力为他效力。(还是她)。有时,兵变可能或多或少是显式的,而其他时间则更加柔和。

Now, on to Nate.

项目1-3显然不适用于Nate McMillan;因此,我们将重点关注4-6。项目编号4自然是一些争议的主题。麦克米伦(McMillan)受到他的教练同事的高度评价,并被认为是国防部知识渊博的。他是美国队的助手(就像现在已经脱颖而出的D'Antoni一样),我毫不怀疑,如果Nate从波特兰开除,将来他会有很多有吸引力的报价。(我认为,就个人而言,如果他决定厌倦了专业人士,他会成为一名出色的大学教练)。话虽如此,许多球迷指出了开拓者队的表现以及麦克米伦的团队管理的许多缺陷。其中一些很可能只是忽略教练/不尝试的球员(稍后进行更多详细措施),但是避免情况#6是主教练的重要技能。(想到了很多教练 - 斯科特·斯基尔斯(Scott Skiles) - 众所周知,以短暂的保质期,在几年内烧毁了更衣室)。

My thoughts? He's no Phil Jackson, certainly; by the same token, he's no PJ Carlesimo.

在这一点上,没有证据的# 5。有一个re probably two players, max, on the Blazers that ought to have veto power on the coach: LaMarcus Aldridge, certainly, and possibly Nic Batum. Aldridge has yet to say anything publicly against Nate, and he's also one of the few players on the team who is giving his best every night. Batum's a more interesting case--he's an attractive young talent, albeit inconsistent. He's also a restricted free agent this summer. He's had a few run-ins with Nate over playing style; and many Nate critics are outraged Nic doesn't get more touches. OTOH, he's not a visible mutineer, either.

这使我们获得了#6:这可能是一个已定义的结论,即团队中有一个重要的派系,希望内特走了。经常提到四个名字:雷蒙德·费尔顿(Raymond Felton)和贾马尔·克劳福德(Jamal Crawford)是主要嫌疑人,马库斯·卡姆比(Marcus Camby)和杰拉尔德·华莱士(Gerald Wallace)也指着他们的方向。当然,其中两个球员有到期合同,另外两个球员有球员的选择。他们中的零是开拓者未来的关键成员。

Lost in this are the constant rumors that Paul Allen will sell the team--for many detractors, the fact that Nate is still the coach is evidence that something is in the works, and that the coaching decision will be left to the new owner.

So, given all of that, what to do?

Tomorrow is the trading deadline. A Jamal Crawford trade, as noted above, is rumored to be in the works. Nothing else appears to be imminent. The Crawford trade is rumored to be for some combination of Steve Blake and a future draft pick. Neither of these will be useful to the team's playoff hopes this years. At this point, Allen (or a new owner) has a decision to make before considering the coach:

  1. Tank the season, or try to make the playoffs? At this point, a coaching change is probably necessary if the playoffs remain a goal. If a mutiny is indeed occurring, and it probably is, the only short-term fix is to give the mutineers what they want. It's far easier to replace a coach than players; Bernie Bickerstaff won't screw up in an interim role (though I'm not sure he's the guy I'd want going forward), and a sacking might motivate the Blazers like they motivated the Knicks tonight. If, on the other hand, the Blazers decide to abandon the season, and get rid of the mutineers in the off-season, then they have more options.
  2. 火nate,或者成为Jazz/钢人?如果开拓者决定解雇内特,即使他们放弃了季后赛希望,显然应该发生。另一方面,开拓者决定保留内特,那么简单地让他在风中扭曲就不够了。奇怪的信心投票也不会,这通常是教练即将来临的厄运的标志。
    Instead, if the Blazers are to keep Nate, they need to do the following: a) Paul Allen or Larry Miller needs to wander into the locker room, make it clear who the coach is, and that anyone who doesn't like it can asks for a trade. b) Make it publicly known that this has occurred, and that Nate remains the coach, and that player mutinies will not be tolerated. A few pro teams--the Steelers with Bill Cowher, and the Jazz with Jerry Sloan come to mind--have made a point of bucking the coaching carousel, keeping the same coach on the bench for decades. Cowher won a Super Bowl with the Steelers, after which he retired; Sloan led the Jazz to two Finals appearances, but no rings. I'm not saying that McMillan is deserving of this level of support, but this is an option the team can take:

Regardless, however, something needs to be done.