

所以,在纽约的街道上无休止地走了两天,惊叹于伟大的景象之后,终于是时候穿上我们的开拓者队服,召唤沮丧的球迷了。我希望球队能从恐惧中醒来,记住他们有伟大的球迷——像我儿子和我这样的球迷,他们长途跋涉3000英里,花了一小笔钱买了飞机、火车、酒店和门票来为他们的努力欢呼(?)所以我们在花园附近的一家很棒的爱尔兰酒吧停了下来,遇到了一些开拓者的球迷,然后及时前往麦迪逊广场花园,四处走走,试图吸收一些历史。当开拓者队在比赛开始前戴上运动背带时,比赛就已经有了很大的决定。因为贝德杰家的一些人可能想听听这段经历是什么样子的,以下是我的想法/印象。1)尼克斯队球迷们期待着输掉比赛,他们不敢相信自己的好运,看到我们变成了这样的球队。他们头晕目眩,没过多久就忘记了他们已经连输了6次,费尔顿的仙尘终于实现了他们的愿望。2)味精有什么大不了的?它有点糟糕,不能与玫瑰花园相提并论。3)我们没有遇到任何球迷的麻烦。每次我们投篮不中,我身后的那位女士就不停地打我的头,肯定是每次我们试着击球。事实上,他们为我们的糟糕表现向我们道歉。他们似乎总是对每件事都发表评论,大喊大叫。他们似乎不太喜欢甜瓜,每当林书豪得分时,欢呼声就会爆发。我认为JR史密斯是个朋克。他昂首阔步地走来走去,就像每次利斯顿打三分时阿里击倒他一样,而这似乎总是发生的。 He did not have to be so darn "strutty" about it. 5) our lack of of fence made their average defense look incredible. Pretty soon they believed it. 6) J Lin just looked average. 7) Food/drink just as expensive and not nearly as good (?) as at the RG. 8) Knicks cheer girls not anywhere as cute as the Blazer Dancers. Really. 9) at the end of halftime intermission, I could not see Nate and began to wonder if he had got deep sixed at halftime. Then I saw him sitting on the bench - kinda by himself with a clipboard - drawing up plays. I thought " what kind of play can you draw up for a team with no heart?" sad for Nate as I don't think he is the one with a dead heart or has stopped trying - but you really could tell that he has lost the team and they are not hearing him. They had their heads down all night and their body language showed defeat from the beginning. 10) in spite of the humiliating loss, NY is a great town! People are friendly, good food, easy to get around, tolerant of tourists........ Lots of reasons to come back, just not again for these Blazers.