

我知道很多人对今天的活动感到沮丧。有些人对内特的离开很生气,有些人则很高兴。其他人则因为费尔顿和克劳福德还在(目前)而感到沮丧。还有人认为坎比和华莱士的钱不够。在我看来,今天发生的事情有可能帮助开拓者扭转局面。是的,我们仍然需要一个高质量的总经理。然而,我不认为开拓者会在一开始就变得更糟。很有可能剩下的球队在赛季结束时会以更糟糕的战绩结束。这些都是很好的草稿定位。可惜的是,他们没有在赛季开始时就被淘汰出局,而是取得了20场胜利。 The bottom feeders in the East's records are so bad they will obviously have a better shot at high draft picks than the Blazers do, but you never know how the ping pong balls will bounce. Without Roy and Oden, the Blazers had to sink before they could rise. Free agent signings are un-likely. The draft is the best hope. It may take a few years to get back to being a strong team, it may not. Having a new philosophy in a head coach will be good. Nate tried his hardest and was a decent seeming man, but I think he has used up all the gas in his tank with this team. It will be intriguing to see who replaces him. Yes, PA may sell the team sooner than later. That could also be a very good thing if it goes to the right owner. On the other hand, maybe PA will get a second wind and change his mind about staying through another re-build. The only folks I feel bad for are the season ticket holders that have sunk a big wad of dough into this season and who may see even worse basketball ahead.