



前波特兰开拓者队主教练内特·麦克米兰在周日的《太阳报》上刊登了一整版广告俄勒冈州的这里有一个链接,你可以看到它在广告中,麦克米伦穿着一件全扣polo衫,手里拿着一个篮球。它还包括以下一封信……----------------------------------- 谢谢你,波特兰!我真的无法用语言来表达过去几年我在波特兰的时光有多美好。尽管我在西雅图的时候被称为“索尼克先生”,但从我到达的那一刻起,你就热情地迎接我,向我和我的家人表达了爱、尊重和支持。它对我们意义重大,永远如此。一路上有很多起伏,但我在波特兰分享的所有记忆的价值将是无与伦比的。波特兰是一个非常特别的地方。没有一个NBA的环境可以与玫瑰花园相比。 The energy and passion that is present there each possession for 44 games a season is electrifying. You, the fans, bring it every game. You helped lift my spirits and propelled the team to victory on many, many occasions. Coaches come and go but one thing that will never change is the unique bond that Portland and Oregon has with its NBA team. I have a long list of people to thank during my time in Portland. First and foremost, I would like to thank Mr. Paul Allen. Without you this journey would not have been possible, and I am greatly indebted for excellent opportunity. I also owe a great deal of gratitude to President Larry Miller and the executive staff for all of their hard work, help and support over the years. I want to thank my coaching staff, past and present, as well as the training staff and medical staff for helping and supporting me through the good times and bad. I want to thank and acknowledge all the players that I had the privilege to coach the past seven years. Thank you to the great staff at the Trail Blazers Practice Facility and all the great hard working people in the Trail Blazers front office and at the Rose Garden Arena. They all care more for the fans and this team than you will ever know. Thank you to my friends and supporters. All the best to all of you. I am truly humbled and honored to have served as the Head Coach of the Portland Trail Blazers for the past seven years. Go Portland, Go Oregon and Go Trail Blazers, Nate McMillan ----------------------------------- -- Ben Golliver | |推特