

好吧,我们很多人一开始都不喜欢安德烈,后来渐渐喜欢上了他。另一方面,我们对雷蒙德的到来感到兴奋,并学会了……呃……不喜欢他。我想知道他们有什么不同。尽管这看起来是这样的,但我有时喜欢雷,而且我认为他既关心又努力。我真的不想说雷的坏话。毕竟,他是球队的一员,他是球队的一员。我想最后,一切都是为了合适。安德烈投不出三分球。雷有时会投三分球。安德烈是一个伟大的传球手。 Ray is an OK passer Andre took out布雷克格里芬.雷干掉了内特。安德烈空中接力空中接力投得很好。雷把一个漂亮的传球传给了小巷。安德烈像往常一样身材不佳。雷像往常一样身体不太好。安德烈真的不喜欢媒体。媒体真的不喜欢雷。安德烈速度很慢,但似乎能突破禁区内的大多数防守队员。雷跑得真快,但好像撞上了人群。 Andre faked a time out and scored. Ray faked out his foot. Andre fought with Nate and reached an understanding. Ray fought with Nate and Nate got canned. Andre was under rated and we felt like we got more than we expected. Ray was over rated and we felt like he never lived up to our expectation. Both Andre and Ray have won games for us, but I only remember Andre losing one game for us.