
亚伦·布鲁克斯(Aaron Brooks)到波特兰.....


亚伦·布鲁克斯(Aaron Brooks)是兴奋的先生,从降低的一年中,当时是俄勒冈州的大三学生,一直到CBA决赛,这个家伙可以做到这一切。他直截了当地戴上了puskie的脸,他帮助B-Roy从PAC 10锦标赛(Brandons SR年)中淘汰了,并且没有与Cal对抗。在2006年PAC 10锦标赛的所有三场比赛中,他的原因很少,这是因为他确实在脸上打了一个伪装。(WSU-15分钟玩,UW-10分钟玩,CAL-DNP教练Desicion)我觉得如果布鲁克斯在这场比赛中玩过,即使是5-10分钟,我也会赢得篮筐或2本来会给鸭子队赢得胜利,而那场比赛永远不会跌入2。

他的高年级是他散布翅膀并飞行的地方,尽管他不能扣篮,但他肯定可以使轮辋偏见看起来很幻想。我想我可以说他真的在一场比赛中对阵UCLA Bruins的一场比赛爆发,他在蜂鸣器上赢得了比赛的胜利,以带领他的球队以68-66的比分取得了胜利。(他有25分,3个AST和3次抢断)。战绩为15-1,并以3-1的会议记录与亚利桑那野猫队的比赛开始。布鲁克斯以21分再次领先球队得分,他在6次助攻中投掷了6次助攻,这帮助我们通过了排名第8的野猫79-77。然后,他带领鸭子进入WSU,面对全国第18支球队,这在家中是坚不可摧的。他以31分和8个篮板的命中率将我们推向了Cougars。我记得听过电台上的3个指针的游戏,我听到了电话后发动了傻瓜。他带领鸭子队取得了29-8的战绩,PAC 10冠军和精英8露面,他们输给了最终赢得比赛的佛罗里达鳄鱼队。

他作为球员这一切他可以得分,他有例外ellent dribble penatration, and is faster the Westbrook. Yes, I am talking about the Thunders pg. Brooks was the fastest player in the Pac 10 when he was there. He has an incredible Basketball IQ, He has shown leadership on more then just the college level over in the CBA he took his team to the finals and was 5 points short of breaking his teams single game scoring record with 40. He lead the league in assist, and lead his team in assists in every game. The guy is a natural point guard and is a unknown star waiting to breakout. He flies under the radar because of where he was drafted by Houston. Houston at the time had Alston and drafted Brooks simply as a back up. Then 2 years after he was drafted Houston traded Alston to Orlando and gave Brooks the reigns to the starting position. Anybody remember how he brought Houston back against us in what seemed like a few seconds to hit three 3's and a duece in the playoffs. He lead Houston to tie the series with the湖人,但最终在6中输了。

He was traded to Phoenix at the end of that season in which he would take another back seat role to none other then史蒂夫·纳什(Steve Nash)。我不怪这个家伙在中国签订合同,他想参加比赛和开始,当您有Nash时,您不会让他坐在一个您不认识的人身边。

我们想念Brandon Roylike no other, but Brooks is a one of a kind player, who is way more comfortable playing the point then Brandon was. His play is similar but it also differs because of the height. He is a 6' guard who knows what leadership is. LMA would be going wild on every team with the sweet dishes Brooks will hand out. He is ready and poised to actually lead a team and considering the Blazers need a point guard super bad, it is why Portland is the perfect place for him. These words that I am typing can't describe his actually play, it is electric, don't believe me, type Aaron Brooks up on youtube and you will see. The guy is going to be an All Star if not more.