波特兰开拓者队在周日的《纽约时报》上刊登了整版广告在俄勒冈州的.这则广告印在全黑的白字页上。最上面写着"毁灭之城"底部是开拓者的标志,网站和推特账号。中间是下面的字母。----------------------------------- 一个令人失望的赛季或许是结束了,但是我们的工作才刚刚开始。不是在硬木地板上,而是在办公室里。建立一支能够接受每一个挑战并代表开拓者篮球精髓的球队。获得NBA最好球迷的热情忠诚。坚持42年的传统,当我们跌倒时,我们站起来,让它变得更好。 The past is done. The present is here. The future is what we make of it. That's what trail blazing is all about. This summer we welcome new faces, rebuild around an All-Star and rediscover why we love this team. Together as a city, as Rip City. ----------------------------------- The word "rebuild" sure jumps out.点击这里查看完整尺寸.——本·格里佛| benjamin.golliver@gmail.com |推特