
4-3-3 - jd -西班牙项目及展望。

我正在写一个新的jd系列的第一章,叫做“scout the World”,这并不是关于国际球员,而是关于每一个国家:历史、艺术、文化、旅游、人民……(简而言之,所有这些都为想要扩展知识的人提供了链接)。我把西班牙作为第一个例子,没有理由:),然后让你决定是否值得继续努力与其他国家,一个一个地。这应该是一个集体的任务,因为除了西班牙,我不会做别的。我的帖子也允许你问任何与西班牙相关的问题,如果有答案,我会找出答案;)(如果没有…我会给你一个答案)。



在阿布林斯的带领下,丹尼尔·迪亚斯本可以成为世界杯最有价值球员,而这位精力充沛的西班牙前锋在波兰场均获得两双。Diez在篮板方面非常出色,他在场上仅26分钟就拿下了10多个篮板。虽然迪亚斯不是很高,也不是很有运动天赋,但他的时机把握得很好,而且有很强的进取心,能接住每一个球。他在这个领域在球场两端都非常有效,因为他很好地解读投篮,从而通过他的位置来预测。此外,他有一个非常快的二次跳投,这对他帮助很大,特别是在进攻端,他有几次内插。在进攻端,除了篮板,他还有两个主要的选择,左手突破和接球投篮的三分。在他的进攻中,他从一个好的第一步开始,他通常会一直走到篮筐,直到接近篮筐结束。他可以在渗透方面提出令人惊讶的方案,但他大多数时候并没有真正去寻找那个选项。他在三分线的跳投看起来不错,但执行起来并不快。但他在三分线后的命中率很好。 You could rarely see Diez take a jump shot from mid-range so it is more difficult to say if that is another part of his game. He moves well without the ball as it has been mentioned already above for rebounding situations but this is also true for the offensive situations in general. Next to his importance in the defensive rebounding sector, Diez has also an impact on other parts of the defense. He reads well what the offense wants to play and is therefore very good in anticipating the situations for getting the steal or the charge. He can also come up with the block shot from the help side but he is not a major shot blocker on the man. Diez, who plays for Real Madrid, will probably struggle to become a factor on the professional level though as he lives for the moment mainly from his energy level and rebounding presence. He does not have the necessary size for playing the inside positions in the future and his ball handling is not developed enough yet for the Small Forward positions on the highest level.

