波特兰开拓者队后卫韦斯利·马修斯加盟约翰Canzano在750 AM游戏讨论了他的休赛期,他对下赛季的期待,自由球员对未来球队的期待,以及前开拓者中锋格雷格·奥登最近的声明。这里的音频.--------------------------------------格雷格·奥登表示,波特兰对年轻、富有和非洲裔美国人来说是一个艰难的地方。你同意吗?“我不会说这很不舒服,我想说的是,无论在哪里,年轻而富有都很难,尤其是当你不是来自富裕国家的时候。自从格雷格踏上篮球场,他就承受了很大的压力。他总是每一支球队,每一个球场上最伟大的人。他进了四强,状元签,他有很多东西。他在公众视野中出现了很长一段时间。现在你把钱和名声都考虑进去了。这并不容易。“很多人都想要这样的生活,但他们并不是同时想要。他们看不见——这不是什么可惜的事……很多人想要钱,但他们不想要随之而来的东西,或者他们不明白随之而来的是什么。 I'm not saying, 'Oh my God, it's such a terrible life, and what the Hell and this and that,' but Greg was under the spotlight from an early age." ... "In Portland, you are in the public eye. Whether you like it or not. It's a great thing for the most part, everyone loves the Blazers. The diehard Blazers fans are passionate. Sometimes that can come off in a negative way. They want it so bad it's hard for some people to take. It's hard to really, truly understand it if you're not a part of it. But it goes with maturity. Greg is young and he's been in this for awhile. He's been making money for a long time." -------------------------------------- It's been an exceedingly busy offseason week for Blazers talk on local sports radio. -- Ben Golliver | benjamin.golliver@gmail.com |推特