德怀特·我们的CSNNW.com有发表了一个扩展的反应到波特兰木材队老板梅里特·保尔森的股票成为波特兰开拓者队的潜在买家这篇文章包括开拓者首席运营官萨拉·门萨的一些想法,她解释了为什么有这么多关于球队将要出售的谣言。------------------------------- " 我们聘请(高盛)做(金融)的评估我们的团队一年前,”她说。“对开拓者队和玫瑰园队进行了全面审计。保罗对他所有的公司都经常这样做。至于海鹰队是不是这样,我不确定。“但这可能只是一个与之相关的古老故事。不是因为他想卖掉。但这些谣言可能与此有关。我们不打算出售。 I really don't think there would be any reason for Paul to deny it, if he was going to sell." ... "Now more than ever, small-market teams are within the grasp of (more potential buyers)," she said. "The new CBA has made it possible for people, with good management and good decisions, to make money with their teams. You don't have to be a billionaire anymore. Franchises like Portland have become more coveted." ------------------------------- -- Ben Golliver | benjamin.golliver@gmail.com |推特