



波特兰开拓者队老板保罗·阿伦写了一封给粉丝的长篇公开信这已经被贴出来了在这封信中,阿伦表达了他对这个赛季的看法,感谢了前教练内特·麦克米兰,讨论了他目前的领导角色,并提供了球队寻找总经理的最新进展。----------------------------我们正在与有可能的候选人洽谈,我已经完成了第一次面试。我们深思熟虑地向前发展,因为我们必须确保我们有合适的人选。理想情况下,我们希望在选秀之前,在我们决定一个固定教练之前,有人就位,但找到合适的主管可能需要时间。什么是合适的?首先,总经理必须拥有我所说的“黄金内脏”。这份工作需要的不仅仅是评估篮球天赋的能力。它还需要权衡从性格到医疗问题等无形因素,以及所有涉及的风险。例如,几乎每一个NBA选秀者都有受伤的历史。 (And those medical histories are carefully reviewed by our topnotch medical team.) The GM has to be a good fit with the players, coaches, management, and the Portland community. Of course, I'll also be evaluating how the GM will interact with me, as I'm an engaged and active owner and I ask a lot of questions. It's important for me to clearly understand all the facets of what we're thinking of doing, both on and off the court. At the same time, I believe personnel decisions should come to me as recommendations from the GM and the president. Certainly there are times I've pushed hard in the draft room or free agency, as I did in recent years for LaMarcus, Wesley Matthews, Joel Freeland, Sergio Rodriquez, Armon Johnson and Patty Mills. But with very few exceptions, I expect the team's executives to make the final calls. ---------------------------- Other choice Allen quotes... -- "This was one of the most disappointing years I've had in my 24 seasons as owner of the Portland Trail Blazers." -- "The best thing I can say about this season was at least it was short." --- "One thing we are not going to do is to spend money like there is no tomorrow, and calls to do so just don't make sense. I've tried that path before -- it doesn't work and is not sustainable. We will follow a judicious and sustainable path going forward." -- "The team is not for sale. I'm working hard to get this team back on track. No offers have been made to buy the team and none have been solicited." -- Ben Golliver | |推特