

avg(效率)我s 15.00 in the NBA. Rebounds help raise this number increasingly.



Jamal CrawfordSG的每15.80中的15.80排名13。(尽管数字不能准确地反映他的比赛,但他仍然被认为是平均水平!)

Wes$$$ had a PER of 14.12, ranking 29 at SG.

雷·雷(Ray Ray)的每13.46分,在PG中排名43。


Thats said, everyone else not L.A. and Batum are expendable!.

Our options for SG and SF who post a PER better then 15.00 is shallow compared to PG, PF, C.

Facts about smartly investing in players

Ball-hogging scoring guards like monta Ellis are bad! Their PER may be high but they play no Defense and stall the offense and take too many shots to get their points.


Surprisingly! Small ball is overrated. teams that finish in the 25% in wins spend their money on premium front court players and less on premium guards despite plenty of bad contracts for bigs. But spending on bigs create the best PER relative to the league median. Gambling on the frontcourt is indicative of a smart front office that understands supply and demand. An average center is worth 4x as much as an above average guard because they are so scarce.

Since 2001-2002, regualr season champs have spent 8.9% more on big men than the avg NBA team.

Rookies are undervalued. and Vets aren't. Teams assume players coming off of a break out season will sustain his play. In reality, the statistical law of gravity calls for regression. They often have emotional ties, and offices always love to spend. Put it together and you have the office paying for players like Amare and Melo. Basically teams tend to overalue investing in vets who are more replaceable then they might seem.

傻瓜黄金以#6选秀权开始。基于1989 - 2009年的分析。#5选秀权是一个价值6.1 EWA的球员(估计赢得了胜利),但生产的局面下降到1.9 EWA,从#6选秀开始。令人震惊的低。这是埃里克dampier型球员,从#10选秀开始。聪明的通用汽车(Smart GM),他为帽子友好的角色扮演者而降低了选秀权,并坚持不懈地获得值得达成最大交易的超级巨星。这等于季后赛,而不是乒乓球。

新秀合同被低估了!克里·欧文(Kryie Erving)在托尼(Tony)赚了1,250万。菜鸟价格便宜,可以发挥越来越长,进步更多,并且比老年人创造更多的胜利。

Old school centers are becoming a dying breed. Centers now need to be well rounded players, quick, athletic, strong, and versatile! L.A. would he play center, would be a prime example of the new centers, where he to put on some more muscle so he could keep up with them, but also would be able to dominate on the Offense and defense.


That said, why not get a PF/C to pair up with L.A. who matches him physically. But is can spread the court and bang!

安德森·瓦雷霍(Anderson Varejo)将是可以在PF追随该中心的榜样。有很多PF被列为中心!这将使我们的前场非常通用,防御性锚定或不会那么昂贵。


但是,如果我们真的需要一个中心,那就去追随像斯宾塞·霍斯(Spencer Hawes)(Per = 18.19,#16)Javal McGee!是的,他是骨头!但是他始终张贴以上17。在08-09中,他的排名为18/每17.04。在09-10中,他留下了。在10-11中,他的每17.42,中心排名第14。今年,他的每年19.90,并在中心排名第9!他值得他合同。

Next I would love to trade for Joahkim Noah,Greg Monroe或科斯塔。使用我们的任何球员和选秀权。请记住,从第六名开始,从统计学上讲选秀权,请勿赢得胜利。如果您很幸运,也许是角色扮演者。


There are 4 types of PGs. Not two!


Numbers and formula's you need to know and understand.


Average usage rate is 20.68

Average PPR(pure PG based on assists and TO): 5.30


playrtg = usg*(ppg+2.26*apg-tpg)/(fga+0.44*fta+apg+tpg)其中usg =用法=用法= apg = apg = sabsists castists,ppg = ppg = ppg =每场比赛,tpg = tpg = fga,fga,fga,fga,fga失误=场射门得分,fta =每场罚球尝试

发起人:任何控球后卫的基本功能 - 下场,使球队陷入进攻。他们可能是只能在没有冒险的情况下完成工作的球员。这种类型的控球后卫的平均使用率,平均辅助率和平均水平低于平均水平的纯点等级。

Example PGs

Rafer Alston,史蒂夫·布雷克(Steve Blake),Mike Conley,Mario Chalmers,德里克·费舍尔(Derek Fisher),卢克·里德诺(Luke Ridnour)

Distributor: These are the players who have the court vision and ability to find players in scoring position and get them the ball to pick up the assist. They might take a few more risk than the initiator, but also limit egregious mistakes. This type of PG is characterized by a below average usage rate, an above average assist ratio, and an above average PG rating

前任纳什,卡莉德,朗多,基德,Chris Duhon,

Pure Facilitator: These are the players who will make the highlight film passes that make you think they have eyes in the back of their heads. They take more risk and might have more turnovers,, they also have the ability to break down a defense and create a scoring opportunity by forcing the defense to shift. This type of point guard is characterized by an above average usage rate, an above average assist ration and above average pure PG rating.

Ex’s be克里斯·保罗,托尼·帕克,德隆·威廉姆斯


Ex’s be Andre miller,Derrick Rose, Russell Eestbrook,埃利斯


Kyle Lowrly, Rondo(Fools gold if we are lucky), Dragic, Lou Williams, Lin, Wall, Isiah Thomas,拉蒙会议,迈克·康利(Mike Conley),Tyreke Evans.

Realistically we are looking at Lowry, Dragic, Lou, and Lin for Pgs.

出色的PG/SG或第六个人是Tyreke,Mike Conley可以得到。



SF的球员领域狭窄,并且作为角色扮演角色像合同一样的角色扮演者的情况会更好。另外,我们已经有一个出色的SF Batum。

Our Draft picks (remember the facts for this) could be great in a trade against dumb GMS cough* Sacramento Cough* or be best used trying to trade up in the draft for higher picks. We will most likely find a solid role player with our draft picks. Maybe above average if one of the top 5 picks drop down to us. But their is always some luck in the draft and someone could emerge and be gold for us. They say this is a deep draft. True for picks 1-5. Then its deep because the other players are solid role players who may/can contribute.

This is a post meant to stimulate educated ideas and debates! Go!

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