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2012 NBA Draft: Portland Trail Blazers Trade Up for Thomas Robinson or Michael Kidd-Gilchrist?

值得推动吗?在下面称重..(Chris Graythen/Getty Images的照片)
值得推动吗?在下面称重。. (Photo by Chris Graythen/Getty Images)
Getty Images


我们将假定# 1选择单元ouchable, since that's 99.9% sure. If the Blazers could get their hands on the first pick they'd go for Anthony Davis...the only possible option when trading up that high. End of story. But what would happen if they parlayed their lottery picks and assets into the #2 or #3 selections? The most mentioned names are a pair of forwards, at whom we'll look today: Thomas Robinson of Kansas and Michael Kidd-Gilchrist of Kentucky.

Thomas Robinson

Robinson is a 6'9", 240 lb Junior power forward boasting a 7'3" wingspan and a blue blood college pedigree. The cliché phrase when describing draft prospects is "He's got an NBA body". You can forget that. The NBA don't have that many bodies like this. He's a dynamo too. The ball is never safe when he's around. If it's flying in the air he either did it or can get it. He won't quit on plays. He's a great rebounder. He's a true pick-and-roll guy on offense, able to set screens and score off of screen sets both. He prefers the face-up game when he's isolated. Even though he's able to clear post space, scoring with his back to the basket is not his strong suit. When he's comfortable in the post he can be devastating but he's not usually comfortable when facing bigger or longer defenders. His defense follows a similar pattern. He can be brilliant playing in open space, following motion or the ball. When isolated against big men, particularly defending the post, he's more average.


If this guy were 7'0" and a center instead of 6'9" and a power forward, he'd be right up the Blazers' alley. But wingspan or no, he's not. He seems like a great guy to develop旁边拉马库斯·奥尔德里奇(Lamarcus Aldridge)。如果他能打球,开拓者可以在一两年的时间里驾驶他的运动能力和原始能力,而他们哄骗了一场强力比赛,并从他身上进行了防守。但是作为一个大前锋,现在您正在做出选择之间him and Aldridge. Aldridge has the offense over Robinson, hands down. Robinson has better drive and will likely win in the aggression department. But now you're trading one set of strengths for another. You don't trade up to the #2 or #3 pick to do that. You want a blooming star, an immediate contributor, and a clear field in front of him to show his stuff.

迈克尔·基德·吉尔克里斯特(Michael Kidd-Gilchrist)

迈克尔·基德·吉尔克里斯特(Michael Kidd-Gilchrist)是一个6'7“,228磅的新生新生,来自肯塔基州。像鲁滨逊一样,他拥有惊人的运动能力,一个巨大的翼展,来自高调的大学课程。但不仅仅是身高和体重,7'0“到达...这个家伙移动它。他是过渡时期的雷鸣恐怖。他的防御潜力是巨大的。反对反对者的反复噩梦是MKG直接停止球员,跑步,然后在另一端用怪物果酱结束。他也有这种心态。他不是一个柔软的。他不思考或后悔。您将被扔,拍打,抢劫和完成。他的内在进攻反映了他的心态。他准备好猛击。 He'll post you if you're smaller. You'll not have an easy night--probably ending up sore--when he's on the floor.


再一次,开拓者的问题是:“我们已经在名册上有这样的人吗?”Nicolas Batum的风格和Kidd-Gilchrist的风格相距不远。巴图姆不是那么侵略性,没有那么强烈,也不那么强。但是他还以防守而闻名,因为他是一个互补的球员,是您所爱的人,但不能建立团队。他还拥有外部比赛,并且比MKG更领先。开拓者队会喜欢基德·吉尔克里斯特(Kidd-Gilchrist),但是他们已经在稳定的巴图姆(Batum)上改善了阵容的阵容,将其花在了他的阵容上?


--Dave (