

在回顾了所有的mock之后,我们可以清楚地看到,以下是在选秀中表现一致的前6名球员,排名不分先后。1.安东尼戴维斯2。MKG 3。TRob 4。b .比尔5。哈里森·巴恩斯6。安德烈德拉蒙德与其去找另一个控卫,我更希望看到开拓者去找那些得分在6分以下的球员。在我看来最有可能的候选人是安德烈·德拉蒙德和哈里森·巴恩斯。考虑到这一点,你更想要谁? Personally I would rather have Harrison. Did you see his Combine number????? Off the charts. Plus he's 19 years old and I think he will be better in the NBA than college. In my opinion he could be an All Star in 2-3 years. Now, you might be thinking, how can we play Batum and Barnes? Well, isn't it true that Batum excelled at SG? He has the quickness, outside shooting and defense to guard the Kobe's of the world. I think that would be an awsome BIG 3, Batum, Aldridge and Barnes. All are good defenders, all can score, and all are scary long. Add to that maybe Meyers Leonard at 11 or if you're luck maybe Lilliard or Waiters drops that far and wow, that's a serious future lineup. To me the draft is about gambles. If you have a chance to take 1-2 guys that can turn into All Stars or at least borderline All Stars, you have to take that gamble because those guys aren't traded or often available in FA.