

阿兰史密斯NBADraft.net波特兰开拓者队选择韦伯州卫达米安·利拉德和贝勒前锋佩里·琼斯了吗2012年NBA模拟选秀 N. 6——达米安·利拉德——虽然他的控卫能力还有待讨论,但利拉德是一个有着湿式跳投的伟大运动员。他是一个大器晚成的人,他有一种职业道德,这是许多知名人士所缺乏的。据说波特兰对利拉德寄予厚爱,在接下来的几年里,他们可以用利拉德来巩固自己的控卫位置。现在他是一个比分销商更好的得分者,但他对游戏表现出了良好的感觉,并做出了良好的决策。11号——佩里·琼斯——琼斯是选秀中真正的外卡之一。球队可以决定他的缺乏生产和进步更多的是贝勒的产品,他值得一个中期抽签签。但对他汽车的担忧可能会让他从彩票中出局。如果他在6岁的时候签下利拉德,他将是一个有利的选择。琼斯似乎是最后的挑逗者。 On highlights alone, you would think he is a future perennial All-Star. From a talent standpoint he's got everything you would want from a prospect. He's got size, speed, athleticism, and the ability to shoot. But he always leaves you wanting more, never seeming able to play up to his abilities when it matters most. His sophomore statistics look eerily similar to his freshman numbers. Jones has jaw-dropping physical attributes, but seems to have a hard time flipping the switch from his nice guy off court persona. -------------------------------- -- Ben Golliver | |推特