
Aldridge:Nicolas Batum证实森林狼是“首选”

大卫·奥尔德里奇 举报波特兰径燃烧器限制自由球员尼古拉斯巴伐利亚州的确认,明尼苏达林泥泥是他在下赛季玩的最佳选择。---------------------------“我是一个限制的自由球员,”Batum说。"I know the situation. Anywhere I sign, the Blazers are going to match. But my first choice was, and is, Minnesota. That’s where I want to play and that’s where I want to put my family. I’ve got nothing against the fans (in Portland) and nothing against the city. But this is a basketball decision and basketball wise, I want to be there. Last year, they impressed everybody, and that’s what I respect. To have a great young point guard like (Ricky) Rubio, and a great coach like (Rick) Adelman, I really liked that project. And I think they think I’m the missing piece at small forward. That’s what they told me." ... "I know that they’re working on a sign and trade, and I’m very hopeful that both of them understand my situation, do the best both for me and for them," he said. ------------------------------- Batum previously否认了一份报告这表明他想要波特兰的“没有”。他周二也说他不会沮丧如果他回到波特兰。Batum的代理人,Bouna ndiaye,已经制作众多评论表明他的客户宁愿下赛季比森林狼而不是燃烧者效力。他甚至说这是Batum在明尼苏达州的“梦想”。在星期二的访谈之前,波格姆对他的情况达成了评论。Batum有据报道,同意了明尼苏达森林狼队开出的4年4500万美元的合同。在9点。周二晚上,NBA对自由球员的禁令将被解除,巴图姆将可以自由签署合同。如果发生这种情况,开拓者有三天的时间来决定是否匹配这份报价并留住他。上周,Blazers Gm Neil Olshey告诉Batum和Ndiaye,该团队将匹配任何优惠,并不同意签约和贸易。星期一,奥尔辛对冲就此而言,拒绝向一批记者重复该宣言,而是说他会在短期和长期内完成燃料的最佳利益。至少一个作家相信Olshey可能有兴趣追求签到贸易,现在西装外套无法获得印第安纳步行者限制自由代理中心Roy Hibbert。一份报告周二介绍潜在的签字和贸易包森林狼和燃烧器之间。还在星期四一份报告表明,燃烧者告诉巴塔姆和他的代理,他们将匹配任何优惠表,不会参加任何签字和交易。巴拿姆在4月份回来了他“99%”肯定燃烧者将匹配对他所带来的任何优惠,团队的所有权和管理层一直将他称为名册的核心作品。外套扩展了合格的优惠6月份的巴伐麻回来。Batum,23,平均为13.9分,4.6个篮板,1.4次助攻,1.0块,1.0块,1.0块和1.0次抢断为上赛季的西装外套。ed:文本编辑,碰到前页