
I don't like this.

Within the past few weeks I have been following everything just like you. When we offered Hibbert the max I was ecstatic. Along with possibly adding another good player in his prime got me very excited. I love winning, I love seeing winning and the Blazers were going in that direction.

Now the Blazers look like there taking a seat and not doing a whole lot. Olshey is signing all this young talent that has "potential" I'm not a fan of bringing in 5 rookies. With all this cap space and Batum and Wes decent trade bait, it seems to me we could have chased players as Mcgee or Tyreke. Who both could help this team win now and for the future.

But now, we have to wait around and watch these players with "potential" play in an 82 game season. It's going to be long, I just hope someone really surprises me, maybe Lillard?

Here we go again. 05-06 all over again?