
Raymond Felton Appreciation Thread-Sponsored by Taco Bell

Not really, but it might have been a good if I had called up the Portland franchises to see if they would have.

But seriously, once a Blazer, always a Blazer. Maybe not a loved Blazer. Maybe not a liked Blazer. But Felton is permanently embedded in our memories. His heavyheady play won Portland a few donutsgames last season. And as the 2011-2012 campaign went on, he moved from gelatenous to roundrounded into something that resembled a shape. And sure he got booed. Sure people were happy to see him go. But think of the economy. Maybe Felton personally kept some poor businessman afloat during this year. And now, because Felton moved to NY, he will have lost his dream. That's sad. And I don't want anyone to be sad. So let's just be happy. About what, I'll let you choose.