
If L*kers get Dwight Howard I quit

If L*kers acquireDwight HowardI will quit watching the NBA, following the news, etc.

I got into soccer so I'm pretty much covered in finding an alternative.

我不会责怪严厉,我不会责怪任何人。和我hope Orlando fans and everyone else will join me.

LA is pretty much the spoiled rich kid that keeps whining about how he doesn't have something trivial and he always gets it. And througout their history every setback they encounter, no matter how minor results in something better.

Magicgets AIDS, 10 year drought, gets Kobe and Shaq.

Gets beaten bySpursin 2003 or whatever playoffs, gets revenge with Fisher's 0.4.

Loses Shaq, they suck, Kobe almost leaves then they getPau Gasolon a platter.

Fisher leaves, they never adequatley replace him, his daughter gets eye cancer, and somehow LA is the only city with adequate medical facilities to help her which results in Utah being forced to waive Fisher so he can go to LA.

It goes on and on and on. So now they miss out on Chris Paul, everyone thinks "Oh the L*kers got screwed!" Nope, just a setback to setup a even greater triumph.

Well some people might rationalize it by saying oh well Dwight Howard wont mean a automatic title for them, if they give up Bynum that might be in ways a better trade for the Magic.

I don't care. I don't care if Dwight turns out to be a total bust for LA. I don't want to wait, I don't want to see the LA fans happy and bragging about Dwight. Dwight is the last straw.